It's almost always in my hands when I'm at home. I take it with me to bed, and the first thing I do when I wake up is to turn it on.
On its screen it is almost everything: the email messages, I get the social networks of my friends and acquaintances, the updated news of all the media, the music and videos of my favorite singers, the television program that I wasn't able to see the previous day, the applications to brush up my English, the books I'm reading...
The mobile phone is also significant to me. However, its screen is too small for my recently operated tired eyes.
Also, as an accessory to my iPad, I have some wireless earphones. Great. They allow me to listen to podcasts while I'm moving around the house and without having cables connected to the device. Moreover, at night, in bed, my partner and I don't bother each other... with is essential.
(Written as an essay for the EOI on 17/12/2018)
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